Daniel Castañón Quiroz
Assistant Professor
E-mail: | danielcq.mathematics [at] gmail.com |
daniel.castanon [at] iimas.unam.mx | |
CV: | in english, en español. |
Office Number: | 231 | Mailing Address: | IIMAS-UNAM |
Cto. Escolar 3000, C.U., Coyoacán. | |
04510 Ciudad de México, CDMX. | |
México. |
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, Texas A&M, College Station, Texas, USA, 2016.
- B.S. in Applied Mathematics, IPN, Mexico City, Mexico, 2007.
Work Experience
- May 2022 - Present:
- Nov. 2019 - April 2022:
- Oct. 2017 - Oct. 2019:
- July 2016 - Sep. 2017:
INRIA Postdoc Fellow, INRIA-Team Coffee. Laboratoire de Mathématiques J.A. Dieudonné, Nice, France.
CNRS Postdoc Fellow. Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck (IMAG), Montpellier, France.
Postdoc Fellow. Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
Teaching currently
Research Interests
- Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations.
- Scientific Computing.
- Non-conforming, Hybrid and High-Order Finite Element Methods.
- Navier-Stokes. Porous Media.
1.- DCQ, and D. A. Di Pietro, "A Reynolds-semi-robust and pressure robust Hybrid High-Order method for the time dependent incompressible Navier--Stokes equations on general meshes". Submitted, 2024. ArXiv Preprint, HAL Preprint.
2.- DCQ, L. Jeannin, S. Lopez, and R. Masson, "Multi-segmented non-isothermal compositional liquid gas well model for geothermal processes". Submitted, 2024. HAL Preprint, ArXiv Preprint
3.- A. Armandine Les Landes, L. Beaude, DCQ, L. Jeannin, S. Lopez, F. Smai, T. Guillon and R. Masson, "Geothermal Modeling in Complex Geological Systems with ComPASS". Submitted, 2023. HAL Preprint
1.- A. Armandine Les Landes, DCQ, L. Jeannin, S. Lopez, and R. Masson. Two-phase geothermal model with fracture network and multi-branch wells . SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 9 (2023). HAL-Preprint arXiv-Preprint.
2.- DCQ and D. A. Di Pietro, A pressure-robust HHO method for the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on general meshes. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, April 2023. HAL-Preprint arXiv-Preprint.
3.- DCQ, D. A. Di Pietro, and A. Harnist, A Hybrid High-Order method for incompressible flows of non-Newtonian fluids with power-like convective behaviour. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, December, 2021. HAL-Preprint, arXiv-Preprint.
4.- M. Botti, DCQ, D. A. Di Pietro, and A. Harnist, A Hybrid High-Order method for creeping flows of non-Newtonian fluids. ESAIM: Math. Model Numer. Anal., Volume 55, Number 5, September-October 202, 2021. HAL-Preprint, arXiv-Preprint.
5.- DCQ and D. A. Di Pietro, A Hybrid High-Order method for the incompressible Navier--Stokes problem robust for large irrotational body forces , Comput. Math. Appl.,79-9, 2020. Preprint
6.- C. Nore, DCQ, L. Cappanera and J.-L. Guermond, Numerical Simulation of the Von-Karman-Sodium Experiment. J. Fluid Mech., 854 (2018). Preprint
7.- C.E. Janson, A. Shiri, J. Jansson, M. Moragues, DCQ, L. Saavedra, C. Degirmenci and M. Leoni, Nonlinear Computations of Heave Motions for a Generic Wave Energy Converter. Proceedings of NAV 2018: 19th International Conference on Ship and Maritime Research, 2018. Preprint
8.- C. Nore, DCQ, L. Cappanera and J.-L. Guermond, Direct numerical simulation of the axial dipolar dynamo in the Von Karman Sodium experiment.EPL (Europhysics Letters), Volume 114, Number 6, July 2016. Preprint
9.- C. Nore, DCQ, J.-L. Guermond, J. Léorat and F. Luddens Numerical Dynamo Action in Cylindrical Containers. The European Physical Journal Applied Physics (2015), 70:31101. Preprint
Some Presentations
- An introduction to Hybrid High Order (HHO) methods with applications to incompressible fluid flows . NEMESIS Kick off Meeting 2024 (link). Montpellier, France. June 19--21, 2024.
- Hybrid High-Order methods for Incompressible Flows of Non-Newtonian Fluids . WONAPDE 2024 (link). Minisymposium: Recent Advances in (Hybridizable) Discontinuous Galerkin Methods and Applications. Concepción, Chile. January 15--19, 2024.
- A Hybrid High-Order method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes problem robust for large irrotational body forces. Coloquio de Matemáticas y Mecánica del IIMAS (link), Mexico City, Mexico. March 9, 2022.
- A two-phase geothermal model with fracture network and multi-branch wells for geothermal simulation. MexSIAM Annual Meeting (link), Mexico City, Mexico. June 21-23, 2021. Online presentation.
- A Hybrid High-Order method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes problem robust for large irrotational body forces. Séminaire Approx, EDP et Modèles aléatoires, LMPA, Université de Littoral, France. April 22, 2021. Online presentation.
Teaching Experience (in the Past)
- Numerical Analysis for Ordinary Differential Equations (in Spanish). Master Level Course. Semester 2024-II. IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Introduction to Finite Elements: Practice and Applications (in Spanish). Bachelor Level Course. Semester 2024-I. Facultad de Ciencias-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Theory, Practice and Applications of Finite Elements (in Spanish). Postgraduate level course. Semester 2023-II. IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Numerical Ordinary Differential Equations (in Spanish). Bachelor level course. Semester 2023-I. Facultad de Ciencias-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Differential Calculus and Dynamical Systems (in French). Python Labs. Undergraduate level. Fall 2021. University Côte d'Azur, Nice, France.
- Numerical Methods for PDEs. Master level. Recitation and Labs (Matlab). Fall 2013. Texas A&M, USA.
- Engineering Mathematics I. Undergraduate level. Recitation and Labs (Matlab). Fall 2011. Texas A&M, USA.
Updated on 06-February-2024